Home » Sacramento Water Saving Rebates

Sacramento Water Saving Rebates

Like many Californians, the team here at Sacramento Plumbing Solutions is highly concerned about the historic drought occurring throughout our state. As professional plumbers, we have a keen awareness of the vital need for water conservation throughout our local communities. With that in mind, we’re here to assist Sacramento residents in their water and energy conservation efforts. In this article, we’ll cover all the residential water rebate programs available throughout Sacramento.

Our team would love to help you and your family to take advantage of these opportunities, save money, and contribute to desperately needed water conservation efforts. Contact us today to learn how we can help improve your home and take advantage of these programs.

Residential Rebate Programs Available in Sacramento

With an abundance of rebates provided by the city, you have the potential to improve your home, reduce your carbon footprint, and claim money back in the process. The following is a list of all indoor and outdoor residential rebate programs currently in effect throughout Sacramento.

Indoor Rebate Programs

The following are a list of indoor rebates offered by the city of Sacramento. Refer to the links provided for each program listed below to learn which programs you qualify for.

High-Efficiency Toilet Rebates

Older toilets can use up to four times more water to flush, making them one of the largest water wasters in your home. Replace your older (pre-1992) toilet with a new high-efficiency toilet (1.28 gallons per flush or less) and receive a rebate of up to $125.

High-Efficiency Washing Machine Rebates

The Water Conservation Office, in partnership with California Water Efficiency, is offering a rebate of up to $125 for homeowners who install high-efficiency washing machines with a water factor of 3.7 or less.  Simply confirm that your new washer is on the list of approved products to claim your rebate.

Heat Pump Water Heater Rebates

Homeowner who install a heat pump water heater enjoy between $174-$435 in annual energy savings, depending on the family’s size. In addition to impressive yearly savings and a rapid ROI, the CPUC recently announced a new incentive program to reward single-family homeowners who convert to a heat pump water heater with rebates between $3,800-$4,885 based on the family income.

Outdoor Rebate Programs

In addition to the indoor rebates, the city provides multiple outdoor rebates. Refer to the links for each program listed below to learn which programs you qualify for.

Leak Repair Assistance Rebates

The city will reimburse eligible customers up to $1,500 when they repair home plumbing leaks. Reimbursements include the cost of materials, private leak detection services, leak repair, and up to $150 per hour of licensed contractor labor.

Grass Conversion Rebates

Single-family homeowners can receive a maximum rebate of $3,000 ($1.50 per square foot) when they convert front, side, or back yard grass to drought-tolerant flower beds, in compliance with program guidelines.  Multi-family properties, commercial, and institutional property owners can receive a maximum rebate of $50,000 ($1.50 per square foot) which can be applied to grass conversion, irrigation upgrades, or both. An additional rebate of $200 is available for landscape design assistance.

Irrigation Upgrade Rebates

Homeowners who perform irrigation repairs, convert sprinklers to high-efficiency nozzles, convert traditional sprinkler systems to drip irrigation systems, or upgrade to a smart irrigation controller can receive:

  • Up to $800 for irrigation materials used to upgrade or convert to water-efficient systems
  • Up to $400 for materials used to upgrade current irrigation systems to drip irrigation or high-efficiency systems
  • Up to $400 for upgrading to an EPA WaterSense-certified smart irrigation controller
  • Up to $150 for license-contractor labor costs

Rain Barrel Rebates

The Sacramento Department of Utilities offers rebates for rain barrels, which conserve storm runoff for use during dry periods. Eligible customers can receive up to $150 for rain barrel purchases.

Laundry-to-Landscape Program

The City’s Department of Utilities offers a $100 rebate for “laundry-to-landscape” systems that collect graywater from washing machines and other appliances to be used on landscapes.

Residential Water-Use Restrictions in Sacramento

In response to the drought, the California State Water Resources Control Board voted to impose mandatory regulations in May. The state’s emergency residential regulations include the following restrictions:

  • Potable water cannot be used to wash sidewalks and driveways
  • No runoff when irrigating with potable water
  • Hoses must have a shutoff nozzles when washing cars
  • Potable water cannot be used in decorative water features that don’t recirculate the water
  • Outdoor irrigation cannot be used during and 48 hours following measurable precipitation

We Help Californians Conserve Water and Improve Their Home’s Energy-Efficiency

Sacramento Plumbing Solutions is here to help you conserve water and improve your home’s energy efficiency. Give us a call to discuss any installations you may want, including those rebate programs listed above. Our water supply is limited so allow us to help you make your water usage as efficient as possible. Stop wasting water with an inefficient system, call us today to schedule a free plumbing estimate from the best in the business.


Mike Grijalva

Mike Grijalva

Owner & Lead Plumber

I’ve been a journeyman plumber for over 15 years and opened my own plumbing company in 2011. I’m highly qualified and offer the best prices in the Sacramento area. I’ve done plumbing in every aspect possible, inlcluding new construction, service and repair, commercial, sprinkler service, and custom homes. I take great pride in my work.  You can feel comfortable trusting someone highly skilled with integrity for all your plumbing needs.

CSLB License #963048

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